Sunday 14 October 2018

Toxic Friend...

Hi, it's been awhile. Recently I thought about blogging and then remembered I have a blog but I'm currently not active. So starting from now, I want to try my very best to post at least one blog every week.

I bet no one is reading this but to the one person who is taking their time to look through my blog...hello! I hope your not too bored.

To start things off, I want to has your day been? Seeing as the beginning of my blog has nothing particularly interesting I would like to engage with you.

Personally my day has been alright, I usually can't say that because I have a slightly toxic friend who annoys me at school. So if I've had a good day it really means a lot to me. And when I say toxic...I mean A LITERAL PAIN!

Here's a bit of background, basically my friend and I have known each other for quite awhile. But since last year she's started to become very controlling and she always gets angry with me. She's now very bossy and not someone I enjoy hanging out with anymore. Which is unfortunate because she can be a nice person. Please comment down below if you can relate because it is really ruining my life having her nagging me all the time and I would like to feel less alone.

Sorry for rambling on about my friend, anyway. Other than my *ahem* "toxic friend", school is okay. I have one other friend who is my literally my bff and when I need to get away from something I can always come to her. I hope she doesn't mind haha.

I hope to post regularly, and if people are actually reading this it'll probably encourage me more. But for now, I'm going to leave. So I'll talk next week!! (Maybe.)

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