Wednesday 31 October 2018

Halloween fun with friends

Good morning. Last night I had the best time. My friends and I went trick or treating for the first time, and we had so much fun. None of us really celebrate Halloween but last night was amazing.
This morning I've just been chilling inside because there is supposed to be a thunderstorm today. I have written a To Do list because my bedroom is an absolute mess!

Anyway, I hope everyone had an amazing Halloween because I know I did. Yesterday at school I got to do Halloween art and it was really fun because my hobby is art. Yesterday when I was doing my makeup for trick or treating I kind of left it there. So I now have to tidy it up because it is really messy.

I'm currently watching Zoella, because when it's a rainy day I can always rely on Zoella video to give me the cozy vibes.

An update on my toxic friend, she's been absent everyday this week. And even though she can be a pain, I hope she is feeling okay. To be honest, school hasn't been too bad recently. I know it's been worse. So that's good, because I am not fond of school at all.

But other than that, not much has happened so I am going to get back to work!

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